
Found 10 guides


  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for Pointy-eared Elvish princeling..

    You can do this on -Amon Hen- when you fight the Urak-hai at the end of the LVL just don't hit the boss(up on the top ledge,you have to crawl through a hole to hit him with a small character),untill you've killed 42 Urak-hai that run from the sides.They will continue to re-spawn as long as the boss is there.Achievement will pop in gameplay so you'll know when to finish the boss/LVL.
  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for Getting it Done.

    With 2 players on Terminal,go left side the whole way(only 8 fences),1 Ticker the other Grenadier,the grenadier kills the cog protecting the Ticker while they chew done the fences & bombs the first hole then the mauler should be in play.After the second hole the Grenadier player should also have a Mauler(if not no biggie) in play,go smash them suckers.Have done this method for 3 players now all times under 5mins with the quickest being 4min 15 secs to destroy generator.
  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for It's Good to be the King.

    This is simple to get now as the social MP is dead,every social match i played(14 strait)was an all bot match.When you first start playing a Guardian match you will allways be the leader in the first round of the match.Simply quit after the round & search a new social match,you will be leader again for the first round,repeat as many times as takes to win 10 rounds.I got to 9 then lost 4 in a row,lol.I recommend moving up with your team & help them knock a 1 or 2 down while the team is still in a group more or less to give them the edge or if you know a good hide spot it can help but if the enemy leader doesn't go down you might be left alone & never camp near a spawn they will spawn next to you everytime.
  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for Armorer.

    Found a much quicker way to get this.Ok you only need to be around lvl 4 with each class, use all your attachment points across all 3 classes in both factions,then,& this is the trick,you can de-attach all the upgrades you added on then simply reapply them,then take them off again then reapply again.Everytime you reset your upgrades you get the points back & they count towards the 25 for each class.I got this on lvls 4-5-7 on my three classes,so in theory you should only need to be lvl 4 on all 3 classes to pop this as my sniper still had enough points for 25.May be possible to do at lvl 3 but was past this point when i figured this out.
  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for My Robot Army.

    So we get close to a spectre & a prompt for X button hack appears,yada yada think we all know this now so....

    Super quick method with 2 players.Of coarse diff teams,run around together until you find a spectre,whoever can hacks him,then your mate(on other team) hacks him,just repeat till you both hit 20.Sometimes you need to clear AI from the area but it's pretty easy to do
  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for Extinguisher.

    As I had trouble with kicking them into the water after they are alight,I would either miss to the side or they would go over,I found this a lot easier to get if you run around the top area in front of the valves till you have a group of enemies following you(they usually come in sets of six),then head down the staircase where you started the match(the big set right of the valves when looking at them),leash the valve on the way down then turn & stand at the end of the stairs just to the side furthest from but facing the water,this is the perfect spot as the angle makes it near impossible to miss the water,as they come down the stairs they have nowhere to go but into your boot.Just aim at the water & don't worry bout hitting the fire,if you have the water angle correct they will pass through or close enough to the fire to light them up before they hit the water so you get both hot flashes & fish food.If you still have trouble getting 5 in a wave then wait for wave 4 because you get mostly those green guys with the axes.
  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for Horticulturist.

    Don't worry to much about this untill you get to the LVL SHEN LONG,just a pain in the butt doing this in the streets because the police will kill the plant,also once here you should have enough to upgrade your plants life span,don't worry about health unless you have enough.Strait after you're out of the monastery you go down some stairs & there is a heap of monks training(also used for the monk bowling),this is the sweet spot.Shoot a plant near the larger group of monks in the courtyard & return to the lowest platform on the stairs.From here the monks will re-spawn infinitely,sometimes it helps just to spin your character around to make them spawn faster.The police don't seem to care to much about the monks as i only had a few the whole time i was doing this(none showed up the second time i did this on another account).Once your plant runs out of life go & do mission then return for another go,you need to come back here a few times through the story anyways so it's not to much of a pain,should take 3-4 plants to get the cheevie.
  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for Dread the Rage.

    2 people(or 1 with a guest signed in)can do this super easy,select the Ward map & have 1 person on each team with the cog player being Sofia.A few kills with the locust & you have your Rager now meet somewhere quite on the map & drop a stim grenade at your feet with Sofia & let the enraged rager(plyr going for achievement) knock Sofia down twice.Done
  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for You Love to Hate my 98.

    Solution for people with the -DLC-Echo 6 Expansion Pack 1--by far the quickest way to boost the matches is by using the crucible in a foundry match,1 players runs strait under the crucible & the other player runs strait to the button for a super quick kill.The game only spawns you in 2 maybe 3 spots that are close & easy to get to the crucible or button quickly.The matches take only 10 seconds with this method,not counting loading & such but much faster & no zombies getting in the way.
  • FeelnNoobieS

    FeelnNoobieS posted a guide for Deconstruction.

    I was around lvl 32 with the Ranger when i did this,save up a lvl 3 power attack or take a yellow potion or 2 to fill it up.Soon as the boss spawns take a rage potion(blue) then unleash your power attack.This will kill the boss in 1 hit.Don't stress as the boss is pretty much at the start of the lvl so if you're unlucky enough to get hit it's not much to retry.