Skylanders SuperChargers (Xbox 360)
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    09-29-2015 09:53 PM

Another great installment

This is the fifth game in the Skylanders series and I'm a huge fan. By now if you don't know what a Skylanders is, it's a mostly linear story based platformer. If you HAVE played Skylanders before, that's who I'm writing this for. What's better and what's worse right?

Let me get the bad out of the way first. As I sit here and try to think about what I didn't like about the game, the only thing I can think of is having to grind out some of the last few achievements, and I can't hold the achievements against the game because this is actually better than grinding out the time trials and score runs in the last game.

So what are the changes I think are improvements?
  1. Vehicles - I started with the Dark Edition so I immediately had both land and sea, but the normal version will only start you off with sea. I did buy an air vehicle so I could see all of the areas, but it was completely unnecessary to complete the game and get all of the achievements. I actually really like all vehicle stuff. This is very kart based and I was a little confused about how do I use the power up (you don't they are all instantly used) but I really enjoyed these sequences. For all three air/land/sea my first race I didn't like the handling, but I very quickly got used to it and it improves as you customize your vehicle of course.
  2. No areas gated by element - I know a lot of this game is about swapping on toys, but for me I mostly like to put "my guy" on there and never change it. So where previously I had to keep switching out to open a chest (e.g. need Giant) or to open a gate, I only had to do that when I wanted to go into a vehicle race. And even then I only had to change the vehicle not the racer.
  3. Less bullet hell type bosses - one of the benefits of having 200 of these toys is I'm not going to run out of lives. Unfortunately, in the past I often had to go deep in my bench when playing certain bosses on nightmare mode simply because I would mistime a jump and die in one hit. This was a tedious task and no fun. But this game, only on the very last level did that ever occur, and that's more my fault because it was not as hard as earlier entries in the series.

Overall, I loved this game, it may be my favorite one yet. I honestly have no idea how they've managed to keep me interested in this game for so long. And I keep telling myself I'm not going to buy a bunch more toys, but I always do. These figures look pretty cool, but we still have to live with the phases roll out of characters. Frustrating when you look at the poster and think, "ooo, I want that guy", but by the time they are released you've already finished the game.
What did you think of this review?


  • Kaens Not a surprise, you were sucked into the collectible aspect of it. I played it for the game. Actually a pain in the ass to keep getting up and changing the toys out.
  • DJ Psyanyde I actually bailed on the series after Trap Team to much artificial rarity on figures and traps

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