Fear The Walking Dead (Discussion with SPOILERS)



The show premiered last night and I'm hooked, I already can not wait for next week. I was even more stoked that the show turned out to be a hour and half, which just flew buy.

My favorite character by bar is the junkie Nick. Leave it to the apocalypse to be the most effective form of rehab. He played the role so well and he just reminds me a young Johnny Depp. The show is also going to be great just to see guys trying to run with their pants hanging half of their asses. It's perfect, exactly what I had envisioned. Next up should be gang bangers shooting their guns sideways and missing every shot.

Once the rioting and looting starts and they try to go home to rest up only to be met by zombies that don't need to sleep. The shit is going to hit the fan for this people. The Fear will really set in, I was apprehensive about the title, but it so is going to work.

The 3 main zombies were really cool, the guy that played the news footage zombie was spot on. How it all unfolded was great, even though the shot is far away you still know everything that is going on. That random park zombie might just look like a homeless guy just milling about. The whole episode was well done.

Is it Sunday yet?
My wife and I were very entertained. Sunday was a good night for television. Ballers finale was great, Last Week Tonight was fantastic as always, and FTWD was exceptional.
I'm hooked too. I can't wait for next week. It needs to be Sunday already.
I'm happy with the show and very glad its set in the city and showing the beginnings of the outbreak, very well done and yea I noticed the Johnny Depp thing too lol.. What gets me is that In The Walking Dead families are torn apart (quite literally) and I'm just wondering which of these main cast members will be going first? Perhaps none for the first of these six episodes, but you know eventually it's going to happen.

Maybe we can have our first immune human, some one gets bit but doesn't turn? Doubtful but hey, the opportunity is there. I think the best part of this show is that we the audience knows what's going on about the outbreak, but at the same time we can't follow a comic to find out what may be going to happen either!
Maybe we can have our first immune human, some one gets bit but doesn't turn? Doubtful but hey, the opportunity is there. I think the best part of this show is that we the audience knows what's going on about the outbreak, but at the same time we can't follow a comic to find out what may be going to happen either!
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
I hope not, because an immune human sound as bad as an idea as George R.'s zombies with feelings. I just started reading the collected works for the Walking Dead (On Book 3), so I hope that is not in the books either.

I think that maybe this show will be more about how broken/split families be it divorce or just stupid reasons for butting heads come together again. Travis currently has issues with his biological son. Alicia just wants to leave the family all together and be on her own. Nick is on a self destructive path with drugs which is hurting the family. That is already changing as he reaches out to Travis and says he is done with drugs. Death tends to bring people closer and I think we will see these families merge into one bigger cohesive family because of the impending doom.
Maybe we can have our first immune human, some one gets bit but doesn't turn?
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
I hope not, because an immune human sound as bad as an idea as George R.'s zombies with feelings. I just started reading the collected works for the Walking Dead (On Book 3), so I hope that is not in the books either.
Originally Posted by MarvzMitts
It isn't. Pretty sure Robert Kirkman has quoted Max Brooks somewhere about there being no immunity to the zombie virus. Also, the bite doesn't turn you, it kills you. You are already infected, you are already a walker, you are already turned.
It isn't. Pretty sure Robert Kirkman has quoted Max Brooks somewhere about there being no immunity to the zombie virus. Also, the bite doesn't turn you, it kills you. You are already infected, you are already a walker, you are already turned.
Originally Posted by futiles
...and that makes complete sense with everything I have read/seen in the books/show. Thanks for the reassurance.
I know we already carry the virus, which in a sense doesn't make any sense, yes the "bite" doesn't turn you but again in a sense does cause ultimately it kills you. I get what Robert K. Wants to do with the show but not still not far fetched to have one immune human and then have them die in some other fashion bringing some hope to finding another one and or the ultimate dis pare of watching our only hope die..

As for Nick saying he was done with the drugs, it was a ruse. The moment he was able he got out and was searching the hospital for some and then even went back to his dealer. I think his drug problem is just going to cause way more trouble before and if he ever gets clean, which is ok, its sets us up for a very interesting story. Will Nick be the new Shane letting someone die or even intentional killing them to get more product? Or will his problem almost kill or get some one close to him killed thus finally giving him the clarity to kick the habit? Interesting times.
I know we already carry the virus, which in a sense doesn't make any sense, yes the "bite" doesn't turn you but again in a sense does cause ultimately it kills you.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
By that logic, bullets turn you too, as they kill you. So do knives, and allergies, and bad falls, and boredom...

And carrying the virus doesn't make sense? So, in a show/comic/story where corpses are reanimated, and have an unrelenting desire to chew on human flesh even though they have no biological need or even the ability to digest it, and they have continued to exist after at least 1.5-2 years (4 years in the comics), even though the rate of zombie spawning (humans killed and converted) as well as zombicide (destruction of said zombies) puts the tipping point well before 12 months, and with all the crazy medical shit in the real world, a virus that spread silently across humanity is the "odd point" in this?
I know we already carry the virus, which in a sense doesn't make any sense, yes the "bite" doesn't turn you but again in a sense does cause ultimately it kills you. I get what Robert K. Wants to do with the show but not still not far fetched to have one immune human and then have them die in some other fashion bringing some hope to finding another one and or the ultimate dis pare of watching our only hope die..

As for Nick saying he was done with the drugs, it was a ruse. The moment he was able he got out and was searching the hospital for some and then even went back to his dealer. I think his drug problem is just going to cause way more trouble before and if he ever gets clean, which is ok, its sets us up for a very interesting story. Will Nick be the new Shane letting someone die or even intentional killing them to get more product? Or will his problem almost kill or get some one close to him killed thus finally giving him the clarity to kick the habit? Interesting times.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
I don't want to see an immune human, its dumb, it will ruin the show. Lets leave that concept in the 28 Days Later rage world.

As far as Nick goes, I see him going totally clean. Maybe there are future story lines of temptation, but I think he stays clean. He is struggling now because he can't wrap his mind around what he has seen. The easy answer might be drugs and booze, but that makes you week in this world. The cartels will not be producing product once we are in full on zombie mode. Nothing good comes out of it, there is no place for it, and in next week's teaser Nick is going through withdrawals. It's closely spliced together with someone's foot being bitten, but that is a ruse. Nick will be clean.
I don't want to see an immune human, its dumb, it will ruin the show. Lets leave that concept in the 28 Days Later rage world.

As far as Nick goes, I see him going totally clean. Maybe there are future story lines of temptation, but I think he stays clean. He is struggling now because he can't wrap his mind around what he has seen. The easy answer might be drugs and booze, but that makes you week in this world. The cartels will not be producing product once we are in full on zombie mode. Nothing good comes out of it, there is no place for it, and in next week's teaser Nick is going through withdrawals. It's closely spliced together with someone's foot being bitten, but that is a ruse. Nick will be clean.
Originally Posted by MarvzMitts
Well, 28 Weeks Later, but, same thing. Wink
Well, 28 Weeks Later, but, same thing. Wink
Originally Posted by futiles
Haha, of course and no people with different colored eyes better show up on TWD.
By that logic, bullets turn you too, as they kill you. So do knives, and allergies, and bad falls, and boredom...

And carrying the virus doesn't make sense? So, in a show/comic/story where corpses are reanimated, and have an unrelenting desire to chew on human flesh even though they have no biological need or even the ability to digest it, and they have continued to exist after at least 1.5-2 years (4 years in the comics), even though the rate of zombie spawning (humans killed and converted) as well as zombicide (destruction of said zombies) puts the tipping point well before 12 months, and with all the crazy medical shit in the real world, a virus that spread silently across humanity is the "odd point" in this?
Originally Posted by futiles
Are you really arguing the semantics of a TV show, but yes by that logic a bullet that kills you will turn you and a bad fall and bear attack, because your already infected. I think we are on the same side of the coin on this just farther away from each other. As for the entire concept of the original Walking Dead, then that's pretty unrealistic to have zombies walking around after 12 month or even less. You have rigamortis that would set in and decomposition rate would basically stop any walking dead. Mind you that's not taking in account for the weather which would speed the decay rate up substantially. So by the end of year one most of the horde of zombies would not even be a problem. Its the diseases that follow and the serious lack of medical supplies and or trained personnel would be the big killers.

I think one immune person could happen and it wouldn't be far fetched nor would it make the show realistic, say if they think that one person was immune but couldn't say for certain or if they new that person was immune but then in some accident that person is eaten by a horde as they watch...the irony and sense of utter despair but then giving them hope that maybe they might find someone else, but of course never do. Of the few billion people that live on this planet you don't think not one person would be immune? Or better yet, make the person immune, but unique as that persons blood could never heal the infection of any one else. Anyway I don't want to get to heated about any of this, lol... After all its just a TV show and a damn good one at that.
I think one immune person could happen and it wouldn't be far fetched nor would it make the show realistic, say if they think that one person was immune but couldn't say for certain or if they new that person was immune but then in some accident that person is eaten by a horde as they watch...the irony and sense of utter despair but then giving them hope that maybe they might find someone else, but of course never do. Of the few billion people that live on this planet you don't think not one person would be immune? Or better yet, make the person immune, but unique as that persons blood could never heal the infection of any one else. Anyway I don't want to get to heated about any of this, lol... After all its just a TV show and a damn good one at that.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
No not really. If the CDC couldn't figure out the problem and stated that everyone is infected, then that is that. It's a world of monsters and survival, not an episode of House. :P

Also there was another zombie show that came out a year ago were the theme was that one guy got bit and lived. It looked so awful that I still have not seen it. I don't think I even want to remember the name of the show it was so bad.

So no, no immunity.
"Will return in 2 weeks"

What the hell is that? Next Sunday looks a little boring for television...
No not really. If the CDC couldn't figure out the problem and stated that everyone is infected, then that is that. It's a world of monsters and survival, not an episode of House. :P

Also there was another zombie show that came out a year ago were the theme was that one guy got bit and lived. It looked so awful that I still have not seen it. I don't think I even want to remember the name of the show it was so bad.

So no, no immunity.
Originally Posted by MarvzMitts
Z Nation

Comes on the SyFy Channel, they even got Season 2 coming out soon.

I saw one episode last year and i felt like i was slowly dying.

Great episode on FTWD last night, i hope it works out beyond its 6 episodes this season.
Z Nation

Comes on the SyFy Channel, they even got Season 2 coming out soon.

I saw one episode last year and i felt like i was slowly dying.

Great episode on FTWD last night, i hope it works out beyond its 6 episodes this season.
Originally Posted by BigNev44
Well, AMC already ordered a season two. And since it is the same production staff (writers, producers, directors), I do have genuinely high hopes for it.
"Will return in 2 weeks"

What the hell is that? Next Sunday looks a little boring for television...
Originally Posted by futiles
I guess AMC thinks not many people will want to watch TV during a holiday, but they are re-airing both episodes next week.
Z Nation

Comes on the SyFy Channel, they even got Season 2 coming out soon.

I saw one episode last year and i felt like i was slowly dying.

Great episode on FTWD last night, i hope it works out beyond its 6 episodes this season.
Originally Posted by BigNev44
Z Nation, there you go. Can't believe they made a second season. They have to fill the time slots with something I guess.
I hear they are doing some sort of tie in episode for season two already. It's a stand alone show about half an hour long about a plane that has some infected on it. Apparently this plane will land in LA and have a majorish character that will be in season two.

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