Porsche's Movie Reviews Ep. 5 - "Edge of Tomorrow"


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Edge of Tomorrow

Let me start things off with this caveat: I am not a big Tom Cruise fan. The guy is a very good actor, but the worst thing about him is the fact that whenever I am watching amovie with him in it, I also recognize and remind myself that I yes, watching a movie that Tom Cruise is starring in. Tom Cruise will always do waht he does in every movie; It's unavoidable. That being said, this movie, which I have now seen twice already, is my favorite Tom Cruise movie ever, hands down, uprooting Minority Report from the top spot in my list of Tom films. Here's why:

This is the first film with him that I have seen where he has successfully convinced me of his character. I'm not talking Heath Ledger/Joker convincing, but a real performance that chiped away at the exterior that is always Tom Cruise. I am a huge fan of his performance in this film.

Edge of Tomorrow has a very similar undertone to that of Bill Murray's Groundhog Day, another favorite of mine, but EoT, we actually learn and experience the time reset in a much more understanding way. The Earth is at war against an interstellar army nicknamed 'Mimics', and this enemy is fast and terrifying as an opponent. We meet our protagonist (Cage) in the beginning and we learn that he ran a PR firm before the war and was commissioned to aid in the need for enlistment. He is responsible for adding millions of soldiers to international ranks and boosted the soldiers desire to wear the body armor suits that enabled defeat of some of the Mimics.

Here we meet Brendan Gleeson's possibly miscast role as General Brigham, who has taken over the OIC for the European assault. After some choice words and some blackmailing, Cage is knocked out. He wakes up in a pile of supplies wearing his clothes that have been stripped. Here he meets what could possibly be the best character in the film - Bill Paxton as Master Sergeant Farell, or, what Chet would have evolved to after 30 years of service. If you don't understand that reference, you're too young.

Chet, er, Farell introduces Cage to his new unit as a private and a deserter, and dissension immediately follows. The haze the new guy with a gleeful disdain and and are rough and mean, considering him a failure. Cage knows he was thrown under the bus, but can't convince anyone else of it. The standard boot camp and training scenes follow that culminates to an invasion scene much like D-Day, except with big body armor suits and horrific alien enemies. Chaos and death rains down upon our human race, and Cage is summarily killed.

Then he wakes up in the pile of supplies again and meets Farell again. Everything happens exactly the same, despite his best efforts, over and over again. He tries and tries to change the outcome, to stop the slaughter, but never succeeds, until a chance encounter with Emily Blunt and her "Angel of Verdun" Rita, the bad-*ss sergeant that killed 100 mimics in Verdun earlier that year. We learn quickly that she was afflicted with Cage's time reset during her Verdun battle, which enabled her to do so well.

Plans are made to stop the war, and here's where I'll keep it even less vague and stop any spoilers - the last half of the movie is haunting and violent, beautiful and desperate, but more importantly, outstanding and inspiring. Emily Blunt, one of Hollywoods' most gorgeous in my eyes, plays her Full Metal B*tch character with a delicate ease, fully emersing herself in the role both physically and mentally. But the real scene-stealer later on is Tom Cruise, who evolves into a broken but perfect assasin, living the same battles and scenarios again and again. Rita asks in a tender scene later on "How many times have we done this" and the full effect of Cage's repetition is realized.

The script is clever, the dialogue superb, and acting near impeccable. I was really impressed with this film, and the psychological connotations it inspires - instead of Bill Murray trying to get the girl, Tom Cruise saves the world, but his plethora of attempts is staggering.

THIS FILM IS A DEFINITE MUST-SEE. Go see it this week. The upcoming blockbusters won't be this intelligent and entertaining all at once.
Last edited 06-12-2014 at 06:49 PM by porschephiliac.
Always ready for another fun filled film review.. but I don't think I'll be firing back at you on this one.. I'm not to crazy of a Crusie fan...
Always ready for another fun filled film review.. but I don't think I'll be firing back at you on this one.. I'm not to crazy of a Crusie fan...
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
This is the first movie of his that I have been impressed with his performance, especially later on in the film. He nails the desperation Bill Murray failed in Groundhog Day.
I have to disagree. I felt like I was watching the same character I have seen in every other Tom Cruise movie except:

Tropic Thunder

I felt like the movie was a Solid C grade. Better than 90% of his stuff, but far from great. And even the decent setup and plot they put out there, they ruin it with the textbook, Hollywood ending.
Hmmm now I'm torn...looks like I'll wait for my gf to want to see this and pay for it...lol... Hey don't judge me, I've paid my share of our movies....oh hell yea fine that guilty loom on your faces sure I'll go ahead and pay for this one too......but she better buy me a slushi....lol Smile
I have to disagree. I felt like I was watching the same character I have seen in every other Tom Cruise movie except:

Tropic Thunder

I felt like the movie was a Solid C grade. Better than 90% of his stuff, but far from great. And even the decent setup and plot they put out there, they ruin it with the textbook, Hollywood ending.
Originally Posted by futiles
Ah crud, I don't think I made my point across very well. Towards the end when he's with her in the house, that's where he really shines in a place I haven't seen before. Yes, it is better than 90% or more of his films, and yes, I agree that they ruined what could have been an epic ending. I am usually rushed in writing these things so my thoughts are scrambled. As far as his best EVER performance, I argue Tropic Thunder was it, but it was a smaller part, so I wasn't considering it. Maybe his best performance was convincing us he loved Katie Holmes...

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