Red Rings of Death, eh?

Xbox 360

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Has anyone faced the red rings of death (or RRoD) on their xbox 360 console? It's been reported that a staggering amount of consoles are or have experienced the issue. The numbers grow if you happen to have a launch console too.

So.. Who's felt the pain of seeing your 360 bleed the red rings of death?
Well, I personally think it's always unwise to purchase a launch console ever...
Well, I personally think it's always unwise to purchase a launch console ever...
Originally Posted by Killak

I have a friend who's had his replaced 3 times. Crazy shit that.
Ridiculous... buying a console when it gets released it just begging for the bugs...
i've had mine for a couple years now, no problems. ironically, my new PS3 stopped working within a month, and i had to send it in to be replaced.
the 360's problem has been improving with every batch, and it's not nearly as big of an issue anymore.
Unfortunately for me, I got the red rings of death after playing Guitar Hero III all night. It happened on the day after the game came out so I barely had any playing time with the game. That was, of course, back in early November. Ever since then, I've just kept it on and used the infamous "towel trick" to get it working again.

But, there is a happy ending; Just a few days ago, I finally had time to send my 360 in and I'm using Mike's (on this forum) 360 for now. I'm hoping I can get it back soon so I can get all of those hours of GTA4 clocked in on the replacement console. Big Grin
Ouch... Red rings of death after a night of play... that is not cool...

Hope it does get fixed for GTA...
i had it near my birthday so the problem was soon fixed haha
i had it near my birthday so the problem was soon fixed haha
Originally Posted by Blank Planet
Oh yeah... I almost forgot it happened to you... That was epic... I remember how unimpressed Moley looked..
I know it was yours... but I remember a priceless expression on Moley's face... wasn't he with clare then? Maybe it was one of her expressions... lol
I know it was yours... but I remember a priceless expression on Moley's face... wasn't he with clare then? Maybe it was one of her expressions... lol
Originally Posted by Killak
erm no. my xbox broke in 2007. you clearly mean maria.
It did? Lame... I tend to forget dates and shit, man... sorry..
I've had it twice since I got mine in December. I just unplugged its power for 15 minutes and re-plug it back in
I've had the RRoD only once, but hey once is too much right?
I've had the RRoD only once, but hey once is too much right?
Originally Posted by Joseph
Amen to that. Thankfully Microsoft replaced mine free of cost since it was under that RRoD warranty. Now that they've fixed mine, I haven't had any issues. Does anyone know the length of the warranty Microsoft gives you once they've fixed/refurbished your 360 the first time? I think I remember them saying it was like 30 days long, that's it. I'm afraid that if I get another RRoD, I would be screwed. Frown

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