Alice in Wonderland Electronica


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From BuzzFeed:
A strangely compelling electronica song (and video) composed of sounds from the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland. Made by a 19-year-old in Australia, “Alice” kind of lulls you into a state of semi-consciousness filled with Cheshire cats and flowers wielding batons.

After checking out this video, I have to admit it's stuck in my head. Check it out below

Ah, that was pretty great. I love her soft voice in the beginning of the main riff. Alice in Wonderland is trippy as hell. I saw this Czech live action version of it, and it was the most surreal and frightening thing I've ever seen.
Even moreso then the longcat?
Only slightly more than longcat.
Damn... that must be a mindf***


And I finally tried that garlic pizza... I'd definitely ask for seconds...

Big Grin
Ah, that was pretty great. I love her soft voice in the beginning of the main riff. Alice in Wonderland is trippy as hell. I saw this Czech live action version of it, and it was the most surreal and frightening thing I've ever seen.
Originally Posted by Abel
Alice in Wonderland is definitely a very trippy movie. I was actually pretty baked when I saw the above video for the first time. Luckily I was able to remember to go back to it and spread the love around GTN.
most disney films (the old pre anastasia era) had adult references hidden in them. i mean thinking back to it...what the hell was up with that girl who wanted to get with the Beast? Some screwed up family history there.
All children's cartoons have sexual suggestion in them. Either it's a hysterical prank, or it's intent is to subliminally effect the populace in one of two ways: either to make children aware of sexuality because there's no real other way to do it, or to solidify sexual desires in people's minds as merely an implicit subject matter, so that it doesn't boil over onto the surface and become prevalent in society. All possibilities are ridiculous, some offensive and others insidious.
I'm guessing it's more for "adult humour". Kids wouldn't really understand it when they see it unless you actually told them. Unless they are really clever. Imost kids just like the songs and characters.
Yes. A lot of hidden adult jokes are placed within childrens movies to keep the parents occupied. It increases the marketability of the film, and ensures that the parents are more likely to go again...

We're all perverts in the end.
i love edited things like this, especially as an electronica fan. nice find

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