Lucky 13

Get 10,000 points in Pyramid.

  • EightVessel6908

    EightVessel6908 posted the following guide:

    Lucky 13 G10:
    Get 10,000 points in Pyramid.

    This achievement requires a bit of luck, but there are certain strategies you can employ.

    1) If your first board doesn't result in a clear, start a new game immediately.

    2) Read the board before you start. Look for any possible blocks to your clear path. For example, if there is an 8 is blocking a 5 from below, make sure you make allowances for that further down the pyramid - try to clear other 5s and 8s with the cards on the pyramid, rather than the cards from your stock pile. This way, you make sure you have the cards available in your stock pile to unlock the blockage once you get to it.

    3) Be smart with how you clear each row. You get 5 points for each pair of cards (or King) cleared, regardless of where the cards are from - whether they are from the pyramid or the stock pile. You get 25 bonus points for clearing the first row, 50 for the second, 75 for the third, 100 for the fourth, 150 for the fifth, 250 for the sixth and finally 500 for the whole pyramid. You get double the bonus points if you clear a row with the remaining cards on that row. For example if you have a 3 and a 10 left on the fifth row and you pair them up to clear the row, you get 5 points for the pair clear and 150 x 2 = 300 points for clearing the row. So in theory you can get a maximum of 1940 points per board clear although you are more likely to get an average of 1250-1500.

    4) If you have a Win 8 PC or tablet, start a game of pyramid on there. The game should prompt you to watch a video for a bonus Wild Card or extra Deal (at least that happened for me). Click on Extra Deal and watch the video. Now you have 3 deals instead of 2. Save the game to the cloud by Alt-Tab out of the game. Now launch the game on your phone and tap on Pyramid. If you are connected to the Internet, the game should now ask you whether you want to play the local copy or the cloud copy. Choose the cloud copy. You now have an extra deal.


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