
Found 955 reviews

  • What made me excited for this game is that it was made by the people who were involved with the Riddick game on Xbox and that was pure awesomeness and The Darkness is just as good. You play as a 21 year old hitman for the mafia. Problem is that your uncle thinks you are getting to far ahead and decides to have you killed. You don't like that. So you murder your way through cops, gangsters,...

  • So when the first trailer for this game was released everyone was all “whhooaahh!!!” Then a demo came out and people were still excited. Then the game came out. While it was fresh and exciting it also has its shortcomings. The new running mechanic was really fun outside until you found out that you were going the wrong way and that combo of awesome moves was wasted. Then it went inside and...

  • Fallout3 is pretty much Bethesda trying to make some cash for the run up to TES5 or the teased TESMMO. Let me explain. Every time I turn on this game I get reminded about how much better and prettier Oblivion is. The graphics were amazing, the world was immersive and everything was...better. I know it’s bad to compare the two but they are just both so alike. Same controls, same set up, same...

  • Gears of War was one of the first major new IPs for the 360. It came out in 2006 and topped Halo 2 on XBL. Just about 2 years on we have Gears of War 2. When Cliffy B said it would be bigger and more badass he was right. Everything in the game has been turned up. The fights are more detailed and on a larger scale, graphics and sound have been improved and you do feel as if you are in the middle...

  • This is a fantastic game and everyone should play it. You do have to get past the first 1 hour or so to really get into all the sub plots. Warning however it is a game like Oblivion that can suck hundreds of hours away from your life. Unless of coarse you do the storyline and that's it. In my opinion that is a crime however.

  • When I played the first FarCry on Xbox I was literally blown away, I found the game so immersive and fun that I just couldn’t put it down. I even got the 360 release when it came out and was impressed even more. Now we have a “sequel”. There is no reference to the first game at all except that an ideal paradise is being torn to pieces by opposing factions. You can also complete...

  • Normally when World War 2 and games are mixed all I can think of is how bad Medal of Honour has become. Call of Duty was alright to a point but at the same time it didn’t offer anything new. What all these games lacked was a connection to the war. It was a horrific period in history yet no game makes it feel intense and no game builds a real story around the people involved to make you believe...

  • (Based on PS3 version) I had always wanted an Unreal game on consoles and was more than happy when Unreal Tournament 3 was announced for 360 and PS3. The game is developed by the same studio that gave us Gears of War and as that still ranks as one of my favourite games I was excited for this. However all I got for my £40 was a Gears of War FPS clone. The characters have the same looking...

  • Mercenaries 2 plays exactly the same as the first. You will obviously play Mattias as he is the most awesome and you will spend most of your time mowing down the enemy faction while blowing stuff to Narnia. The story is nothing amazing, it’s your standard betrayal plot and you want to kick some ass. Before that you need to make connections, to make cash and then get to the real ass kicking....

  • After hearing all the abuse thrown at AITD i decided to give it a try after seeing a demo on XBL. I was prepared to name it one of the worst games ever but hear me out. Sure the camera can be a pain but the demo is actually quite good in giving you a taste of the game and i actually wanted to play more. The fancy physics and real world system that Atari bragged about works! Plus its really...

  • So it’s been a while since I picked up a Soul Calibur or even just a fighting game. Normally I stay away because I feel that paying out £40 for a game where all you do is mash buttons until the other person falls over and repeating that process until your fingers fall off is a waste. However Soul Calibur was the first fighting game that made me think differently. Sure the voices are terrible...

  • As you are all aware Kane and Lynch received quite bad reviews over in America, less so in the UK as it won a BAFTA (British Oscar’s) award like Max Payne and the first Deus Ex. Now, the reason it may have been liked slightly more over here is due to the British sense of humour. The problem with most game sites was that they took the game so seriously that when the game presented humour they...

  • Golf: Tee It Up! is one of the few Xbox Live arcade games which will surprise you. As soon as I played the trial, I was instantly hooked. This game will attract to a wide audience of gamers; Players of casual games will fall in love with the simplicity of this game, players of arcade games will find the different game modes addicting and even those of you who just love sports games in general...

  • Assassin's Creed is the sort of game that can only really played once. You finish the game, and then put it on a shelf, to slowly gather dust before a friend borrows it from you and never gives it back, no matter how much you ask him/her for it. When I first saw Assassin's Creed (when it was announced), I thought that it was going to be the most awesome thing to ever happen to video games....

  • First Impressions After enduring the lengthy registration and installation process I was finally able to play the game itself. You aren’t really given much of a boost to get started and I’ve had to rely on an FFXI website to point me in the right directions. There aren’t any pretty markers showing you what characters need help but there are plenty showing NPCs so it’s a hit and miss...

  • When I first saw “Dead Rising” I was moderately excited. I didn’t plan to get it, I just needed something new and a game involving a huge zombie killfest was the only new thing on the market. You follow the story of a journalist who gets trapped in a mall full of zombies for 72 hours. One interesting feature is time. For example “get to place (x) by (y)”. If you are late you miss the...

  • Rock Band is the game that many Guitar Hero players (if I count everyone that I know who plays Guitar Hero) have been waiting what seems like decades for. Rock Band is the creation of Harmonix who originally created the Guitar Hero games (1 and 2) before they decided to go and "do there own thing" while EA gave Guitar Hero over to Neversoft Games. Being that Harmonix where I brainpower behind...

  • The winter of 2006 here in the UK was blitzed with 360 games off all which were shooters except Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Anyway, Gears of War is one amazing game and if you have a 360 you should play it as it’s still one of the best games. Mainly as it raped Halo. It’s also the only game I’ve played which is amazingly easy to pick up. The “A” button is used for most interaction...

  • Before mid August 2007 I didn’t really follow Bioshock. It was only after the demo that I really took any notice and decided to name it one of the best games since “Oblivion”. Mainly because it submerged (excuse the pun) you in the story line and the world of Rapture felt real. You actually believed that people lived there are you wanted to know what happened. The graphics make a up a...

  • I am one of the people who thought that by this generation of consoles the developers would have figured out what makes a good game and a terrible one. Clearly Codemasters haven't. Because while playing Clive Barker's "Clive Barker's Jericho" I felt like I was playing a shooter from 1993. It was trying so hard to be gritty that the only colours on screen were grey and brown in different shades. ...

  • People often ask me why I don’t like Zelda and I say “Because how many times is that ten year old in a Peter Pan suite gonna save the world?” Now with Halo it’s something different. While every fourteen year old treats “The Chief” like the new Katie Price, I find him one of the most 2D characters in the world. The story and characters add nothing new to the industry except a bunch...

  • Just when you thought it was safe to sleep in the dark…it isn’t. FEAR may not be the most original shooter to date but mix it with horror elements and the FPS viewpoint and bullet-time it certainly has found a small niche in this overdone genre. You play as a FEAR operative who has very quick reaction times and you are sent out to a scary place where a guy has taken over an army of...

  • First off I want to congratulate EA for yet another over hype. The whole “TWO” thing has been done to death already in this generation with Gears of War, Halo, Rainbow Six. Just because you can give a boost to another person does not mean you’ve invented a whole new dimension of previously undiscovered gaming. Well, let’s start from the beginning. You control one of two really...

  • I love a game with story. Mainly because it shows that the dev team have taken the time to come up with something exciting or at least something to immerse you in a different world. Mass Effect looked to be one of the deepest games of all time. That is if you like interactive novels. It's like this. Imagine a date that is filled with conversation, not enough action and when the action is over...

  • I remember that Burnout was the third game i got with my PS2. It was a fun game, i made some pretty nifty crash vids and Burnout 2 was even better. Finally 3 came out but I never got round to 4. Here we have Paradise. Well....If only. Burnout is still a racing game even though there's no driver which must mean that all humans have been killed as cars seem to be the only thing in this city...