Phil Spencer "would be happy" to see Nintendo games on Xbox One

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I've thought for the entire past generation that Nintendo should get out of the hardware business and lean on MS as their hardware/network.
Well lots of people would be happy about it......still not going to happen.

Mario game on Xbox system > When pigs fly
Well lots of people would be happy about it......still not going to happen.

Mario game on Xbox system > When pigs fly
Originally Posted by Mightymango
I'm not saying it has to be on Xbox system, just Xbox Live. XBL already has multiple MS platforms using it, and big N has no idea how to do online obviously, so if Nintendo focused on their system and games, but leveraged XBL. Just saying, it could happen. You're old enough to have said "Sonic on Nintendo system" so you know know better.
Yeah I know...but that was after Sega didn't have a system anymore.

I'm 100% for it though....I have missed out on a lot of Nintendo 1st party games because of the lack of achievements.

I'm also almost 100% sure that the NX system will still have shit online function.
I'm not saying it has to be on Xbox system, just Xbox Live. XBL already has multiple MS platforms using it, and big N has no idea how to do online obviously, so if Nintendo focused on their system and games, but leveraged XBL. Just saying, it could happen. You're old enough to have said "Sonic on Nintendo system" so you know know better.
Originally Posted by Kaens
I wouldn't be so sure of that. Nintendo is a different monster than Sega ever was. I read a few years ago when people were talking about this same thing, Nintendo's net worth could sustain them even without a system for many many years. The marketing on just the Mario name alone is massive enough to sustain them.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. Nintendo is a different monster than Sega ever was. I read a few years ago when people were talking about this same thing, Nintendo's net worth could sustain them even without a system for many many years. The marketing on just the Mario name alone is massive enough to sustain them.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
Hey I never said Nintendo was in trouble, I think they have something like $90B in the bank. They are very conservatively run, which is how you survive as long as they have.

But they are a toy company, the investment in these electronic toys is just outrageous and to have a good online they will have to really invest in data centers to compete. I don't think that is the direction that a card company wants to go, too risky, too competitive. I think if you look at their recent move in the mobile phone space, it makes it more realistic that they would partner with someone.

To me, it's awesome for both companies.
Xbox could really use that type of boost right now. Nintendo is its own company and if they're able to stay alive even without performing as well as these other consoles, then I don't think its necessary to make such a big merge. If Nintendo were going bankrupt and going to disappear, then I could see it making sense.

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